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Parts of a Book: Home

Title Page

The Title Page gives publication information such as complete title, names of all authors or editors, edition of the book, name of the publisher, city of publication, and date of publication.   Sometimes, the author's degrees, or the institution with which they are affiliated, are listed here.

List of Illustrations

A List of Illustrations, which may appear at the front of a book, gives a list of photographs, drawings, tables, or other types of illustrations used to support the contents of the book. 



A Bibliography, References List, or Further Readings list provides additional materials related to a topic.  Bibliographies may be located at the ends of chapters throughout the book, or at the end of the book.    

Table of Contents

The Table of Contents appears at the front of a book and gives a list of the chapters or sections in a book, usually with the corresponding page number.  The table of contents may give a general idea of the topics covered in the book as well as how the book is arranged (e.g., chronologically or topically).

Preface, Forward, or Introduction

A Preface, Forward, or Introduction may provide the reader with information about the author's intention or purpose for writing the book, and may give an indication of the depth of research presented.


The Index, which is usually located in the back of the book, is an alphabetical list of the specific subjects in the book, along with the corresponding page numbers.  Indexes may provide names, dates, events, geographic locations, and other detailed terms related to the contents of the book.  Browsing an index is an excellent way to identify exactly where in the book relevant information may be located.  An index can also provide subject terms and keywords that might be useful for further research on a topic.