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11th Grade - English - Singer Songwriter - Kendrick Lamar: Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen

Who is Leonard Cohen?

Featured Podcasts

    Meet the Musician
    Slate's Hit Parade
     Listen also from the following playlists: 
    Switched on Pop
     Listen also from the following playlists: 


    Song Exploder
    Listen also from the following playlists: 

Leonard Cohen song, Hellelujah

Leonard Cohen songwriting

Leonard Cohen album, 'You Want It Darker'

Research Tools

Leonard Cohen Life and Music (podcast)

Listen to Leonard Cohen's son, Adam Cohen, interview with Fresh Air host, Terry Gross, as they discuss and try to analyze his father's stance in music writing through Leonard's unpublished poems and lyrics.

Listen to Rolling Stone Music Now podcast as it talks about the amazing life of Leonard Cohen and his music. 

Listen to 1994 BBC Radio 4 interview with Leonard Cohen debunking his public image as ladies man, sharing story behind his popular songs, and describing his songwriting.