Click here to read a publication from UN presenting evidence of climate change, its impact on the marine environment, the external stressors and, steps to help preserve the coral reefs.
Britannica Online Encyclopedia provides information on general knowledge such as geography, biography, science, history, events, etc.
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Science in Context contains hundreds of today's most significant science topics, showcasing how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues.
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Global Issues in Context provides global perspectives on diverse local and world issues.
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EBSCOThis link opens in a new windowClick here to search the EBSCO databases for information on various subjects from Academic Journals, Newspapers, Magazines, Reference books and more.
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JSTORThis link opens in a new windowSearch on JSTOR for information on various subjects from Academic Journals, Newspapers, Magazines, Reference books and more.
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Use AtoZ World to search all things you should know about different countries around the world.
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